Tel Aviv 2016Video Coverage

Amit Bivas on the Most Effective Ways of Engaging with Your Players | Casual Connect Video

November 18, 2016 — by Catherine Quinton


Tel Aviv 2016Video Coverage

Amit Bivas on the Most Effective Ways of Engaging with Your Players | Casual Connect Video

November 18, 2016 — by Catherine Quinton

If you don't have a VIP plan in place, you're lunatics! - Amit BivasClick To Tweet

Do you know who your players are? Do you wonder how best to reach them? If so, there is no one better you could turn to than Amit Bivas, Head of Marketing at Optimove. Amit has far-reaching experience in planning, developing and executing marketing strategies for both B2B and B2C. Their skills and abilities combine the art and science of marketing, merging creativity with business acumen and benefitting from a strong background in data analytics and statistics.

Amit Bivas presenting at Casual Connect Tel Aviv 2016 in The Charles Bronfman Auditorium
Amit Bivas presenting at Casual Connect Tel Aviv 2016 in The Charles Bronfman Auditorium

Amit emphasizes that players do not respond well to generic, mass marketing. It is much more effective to manage customer relationships through knowing who your players are and what unique affinities and tendencies they have. Maintaining a long term relationship requires intelligent behavior-based communications. In this session at Casual Connect Tel Aviv, Amit described the seven most common player personas and the most effective methods of engaging with them. Amit explained, “Optimove had analyzed a massive amount of data and can recommend how to approach players from 6 different personas - varying on an axis of spenders to non-spenders; and on an axis of player stage (new - active - churned - re-engaged).” They recommend first understanding your players, then interacting and only then monetizing. To learn more, watch this video of the full session below.


To read more about Amit, see this exclusive article.


Catherine Quinton

Catherine Quinton

Catherine Quinton is a staff writer for Catherine loves her hobby farm, long walks in the country and reading great novels.
